Protected: Gone in 60 Seconds

6 yrs ago God healed me, and I still don’t really have the words…
I know I felt broken. For decades I felt broken.
But not anymore.
I want that for so many ppl I love.
That “not anymore.”
Healing takes time and it takes tears,
but there is healing for everything that is hurting you.
#healing #longtimecoming #notanymore


Girl Face Woman Carved Fig Madonna Pretty Wood

I turned 33 this month. I began experiencing life’s brokenness at 3 years old, and ever since then, I’d always felt exactly that. Broken. Three weeks ago, I reread the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:20-22. I remember reading that “instantly” she was healed, and I paused my reading to say, “Lord, Jesus! I want that! I want to be instantly healed! I want this pain to be gone! I know You CAN do it. But why don’t You?” I kind of forgot about that prayer and continued along with life. The next week, I went to worship in the quiet sanctuary of my childhood church. As I left, a beautiful sister in Christ who was cleaning the church stopped me and said God told her to tell me, “Whatever it is, He’s bringing you out of it! Just keep doing what you’re…

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The Cave Doesn’t Cancel Your Calling: King David’s Cave Before the Crown (vid 5)

1. “BEAUTY for ASHES” is a promise for those willing to be consumed, willing to go through the fire and accept His exchange.

Other TAKEAWAYS: 2. In some seasons of your life, your comfort and your calling will part ways, and that doesn’t mean you’ve lost your way.

3. Don’t wait on a bigger platform. Lead from the cave! Faithfulness means faithfulness WHERE YOU ARE and with what you have.

You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link under the 3-min FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

David and Goliath: King David’s Cave Before the Crown (video 4)

T H E R E ARE NO small things in the Kingdom. Faithfulness, where you are, will help you slay goliaths where you’re going.
TAKEAWAYS: 1. Don’t give your problems a pedestal! Magnify God. “Have you seen the giant?” Should be met with “Have you seen my God?”
2. A confident Christian is a threat to the kingdom of darkness
3. It’s not enough to read the bible and not put any of it into action. Goliath was EQUIPPED; he had armor. But DAVID was empowered; he had authority. #CaveBeforeTheCrown #10ThousandStanding

You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link under the 3-min FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

Obedience = Adoration: King David’s Cave Before the Crown 3

GOD WASTES NOTHING! What you’re going through prepares you for what He’s calling you to. NONE of your pain has been trivial, and none of your efforts are in vain!


1. There are NO small things in the Kingdom. EVERYTHING you’re doing now has significance, even if your current circumstances don’t seem to fit your calling.

2. The quickest way for God to get you where He wants you is to use you where He has you! (h/t to Pastor Tony Evans)

3. If God is worthy of your adoration, He’s worthy of your obedience. Worship Him with your faithfulness and obedience in the middle, in the small things, when you’re promised a crown but are in a cave.

You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link under the 3-min FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

King David’s Cave Before the Crown 2

God reminded Samuel that pushback and rejection are expected in leadership and when following Him.
TAKEAWAYS: 1. There are no vacant thrones. If God is not on the throne, someone or something else will be.
2. You can have great conquests & charisma but lack character. Pray that as God increases your influence He improves your character.
3. Don’t hang your purpose on someone else’s potential. Begin to envision where God is taking YOU!
4. Just because God’s used something to bless you before or used you to bless someone, doesn’t mean it/they must have permanence in your life. Keep God on the throne of your heart, not the somethings/someones.
You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link below the 4-minute FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

King David’s Cave Before the Crown

The degree to which you are willing to be interrupted by God is the degree to which God can use you fully! I say this because I know God will interrupt your plans with His purpose! We’ll start the #CaveBeforeTheCrown Bible Study (weekly brief videos this time) to challenge and nurture your personal study time. You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link below the 1-minute intro video:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

Life Soundtrack

I’ve updated the YouTube Compilation List below. Thank you for sharing your beautiful stories with me!


Find Me:life soundtrack

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Many of our most powerful life experiences are inextricably tied to healing melodies that have both stirred our souls and lifted our spirits, music that will forever have an emotional impact on us and be indelibly etched into the fabric of our lives. Here’s a compilation of what was shared with me along with my own #lifesoundtrack. I thank each of you for sharing and blessing my life!

#ThisSongWasOnRepeat when I wanted to give up on any hopes of healing…but God…TUH #butGod

“When [my sister] Lystra died. “I’m going to be ready” by Yolanda Adams was on Serious REPEAT!”

#ThisSongWasOnRepeat for much of my senior year of high school when the pain of my past threatened to eclipse God’s plan for my life.”


“I sang this song outside the office of the professor that took…

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What’s The Best Way to Teach Boys to Value Girls?


A friend recently posed a question on Facebook: What strategies have you used to teach middle-school boys about valuing the worth of girls/women?

My Answers:

Teach boys self-worth and how to value themselves, first, and as an extension, how to value others.
Teach both physical and emotional intimacy. A lot of these things can and should start before middle school, but middle school is better than never.
Teach them the realities of how women are mistreated/undervalued in society (pay disparity, job inequality, etc.), and why it’s important to advocate for those with less power.
Explicitly teach them to value their bodies and women’s bodies via age-appropriate sex education, which includes discussing the realities of the porn industry and how it affects our valuing of sex and women. This also includes explicitly teaching consent (CLICK HERE for pointers on NOT Raising Rapists).
Ensure parents are on board with what you’re teaching and that they’re reinforcing these messages at home and especially in the media their kids are exposed to.
Teach boys to hold others, especially other males, accountable for their sexism and/or misogyny.

The time to be a leader isn’t later. The time to lead is now. Their ability to lead is now. During the preadolescent years, parental influence is paramount. But during the middle-school years, we tend to see a shift in how children internalize parental vs. peer values, so the earlier parents can model and make their ideals meaningful, the better. Likewise, the more we can help adolescents hold each other accountable on some of these issues, the better, because their peer groups become considerable influencers as they age.

Finding Your Purpose and Saying NO

You’ll find your purpose by seeking, studying, and serving. Once you do, your “No” to good things will make room for your “Yes,” to God things. Listen below and subscribe to Pastor Kymone Hinds’ Ideas to Life podcast, available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Play, and more.