King David’s Cave Before the Crown 2

God reminded Samuel that pushback and rejection are expected in leadership and when following Him.
TAKEAWAYS: 1. There are no vacant thrones. If God is not on the throne, someone or something else will be.
2. You can have great conquests & charisma but lack character. Pray that as God increases your influence He improves your character.
3. Don’t hang your purpose on someone else’s potential. Begin to envision where God is taking YOU!
4. Just because God’s used something to bless you before or used you to bless someone, doesn’t mean it/they must have permanence in your life. Keep God on the throne of your heart, not the somethings/someones.
You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link below the 4-minute FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):

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