About Me

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Storyteller  Truth-Bearer  Candle-Lighter

Click the archives to view brief devotional thoughts that help you navigate life’s stormy and sunny days!

God healed me after 30 years. CLICK ME to read about it, or ask me; I’ll tell you!

A few things about me:

1.) I like to laugh, 2.) I love God, and 3.) I value people.

I’m just a wife and mom determined to live those three things, daily!  I choose to worship God in the storms of life. I choose to worship Him when it’s darkest so that HIS light can shine brightest. Life’s winds will blow; you can’t direct the wind, but you CAN be prepared and adjust your sails accordingly. If you like what’s posted, click SUBSCRIBE to the right as we grow together in Christ! Clicking the YouTube icon above will take you to my vlogs (video blogs).


Women of Prayer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WoPrayer/

Women of Prayer on Twitter: @WoPrayer

“I am deliberate, and afraid of nothing.” ~Audre Lorde

64 responses to “About Me

  1. Hi, I don’t know you, and I hope you don’t mind me ‘intruding’, but I found your blog yesterday by ‘chance’. (I am in the process of planning a website, one possible name for which was ‘Adjusting the Sails’, so I googled to see what other sites had similar names, and found yours.) You’ve had me hooked, inspired, uplifted, blessed, encouraged, challenged, moved, and surrounded by tissues! So I just wanted to say thank you, for all that you’ve shared, for the way that you’ve shared it, for your honesty, for your faithfulness, and most of all for pointing the way upwards to Him. Be encouraged – if I found your blog by chance, who knows how many other people may do the same, maybe people who’ve never met Jesus before. You are doing a good thing!

    There are some thoughts you’ve expressed which I wanted to discuss on my website, but you’ve put them much more eloquently and/or succinctly than I could. Do you mind if I quote you? I would always reference and put a link to your blog, and would let you know what I’ve quoted so you can check to make sure you’re happy. However please feel free to say no! I won’t do it without your permission.

    Thank you again,

    • Rachel, hon, i have prayed that God expands your ministry efforts beyond even your wildest dreams! Exceedingly, abundantly, above what you can ask or think because THAT’S the God we serve and He’s serious about saving His ppl. u can use whatever you’d like, hon. i pray it ALL brings Him glory. i’m excited to see what He leads you to do, and THANK YOU for the words of encouragement above. Please come back and comment with a link to your blog so i can follow it once you’ve gotten going. 🙂

      • Thank you so much, for your encouragement, your permission, and, most of all, your prayers. I am excited about my new site and where it will all lead to! It’ll take me a while to get it up and running (I am housebound with some serious health issues and also have a 2 year old daughter, so energy and time are both in short supply!), however I do firmly believe that it is a God-inspired thing, so it will happen in His timing.

        Yes I do pray that He will take whatever I can offer up and expand and use it for His glory. I love that ‘exceedingly more’ verse; we had it on our order of service at our wedding, and it’s now displayed in our daughter’s bedroom (I have lots of gynae issues and have had multiple surgeries; medically speaking it shouldn’t really have been possible for me to get pregnant).

        I’ll definitely let you know when there’s something to be seen on my site rather than just a holding page, and I’m looking forward to reading your future posts too 🙂

        • my dear, God surely has His hand on u, and i’m glad He’s given u confidence in that. apart from Him, u can do nothing, so i can’t wait to see what it is He’s realizing in u. i thank Him for strengthening u for this task and i’ll continue to pray for u. i’m going to put u in our ebenezer book from now so i can look back and see the beauty God bring from this.

          i’ll also be praying specifically for your health. idk why God’s allowing u to not experience peak health right now, but i know He says He would that we be in good health, and prosper, so i’ll be praying in accordance with His will as the Spirit leads. never give up hope in His resurrection power! He brought me back to life, i shall never despair. He IS who He says He is! still Healer, still deliverer, still mighty to save, still sovereign!

        • you remain in my prayers, hon. i was just thinking about and praying for you and your family a couple weeks ago, and again right now. i hope to hear from you again, soon. be blessed and stay encouraged!

        • Hi Dee, I’m sorry for lack of replies; this was partly due to a technical issue (either something not working properly, or me not being able to work it out), and partly due to a massive deterioration in my health. However, your messages saying you were praying for me were – and still are – a HUGE encouragement; thank you so much!

          I told you I’d let you know when my site is up and running. It’s been up for a long time now but I didn’t let you know sooner as I was hoping to get it all properly done before officially ‘launching’ it. However I’ve now realised that, with my health as it is, it just isn’t going to be possible to put lots of work in on it in a short amount of time, so I’m going to try to ignore my perfectionist tendencies and just do tiny bits here and there when I’m able. So here is the link to my very unfinished site: http://www.morethanexistence.net – and I also now have a blog about daily life and parenting with a serious illness: http://www.cheeringfromsidelines.blogspot.co.uk

          Anyway, thank you again for this site and for your precious prayers xx

        • RACHEL!!! thank you so, so much for taking time from your obviously busy life to respond to me! i’m sorry to hear about your health deteriorating. i’m so glad you’ve decided to pour the beauty God’s placed within you right back out into the world! we need more of that – the world desperately needs more of the ppl who are willing to pour from broken vessels! oh, glory to His name! i can’t wait to visit your site; i know i’ll be thoroughly blessed. you’ve blessed my life already!

          p.s. – i fixed the link for u, no worries. 🙂

  2. Pingback: About | adjustedsails

  3. I don’t know if I was ever previously aware of the blog… Maybe when you shared it, I was somewhere in a “fog” and missed the details. Then again, maybe it is that I have never really followed any blogs… Well, except for Curly Nikki (on this whole natural hair journey). Whatever the case, I am so glad I have discovered your blog this Sabbath morning. I appreciate you, I always appreciate your perspective, and I am grateful for your faithfulness. I love you girl. Can’t wait to see you again. Continued blessings.

    Peace & Love,
    ~Danita (AKA Jessica, LOL!)

    • haha, AKA Erica, you mean, but thanks, and I was blessed by your joining the prayer line! Thank YOU! I’m on a natural hair stint, too, but not with too much excitement. I look in the mirror and threaten these locks with lye, daily! We shall see.

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