David and Goliath: King David’s Cave Before the Crown (video 4)

T H E R E ARE NO small things in the Kingdom. Faithfulness, where you are, will help you slay goliaths where you’re going.
TAKEAWAYS: 1. Don’t give your problems a pedestal! Magnify God. “Have you seen the giant?” Should be met with “Have you seen my God?”
2. A confident Christian is a threat to the kingdom of darkness
3. It’s not enough to read the bible and not put any of it into action. Goliath was EQUIPPED; he had armor. But DAVID was empowered; he had authority. #CaveBeforeTheCrown #10ThousandStanding

You can get the #10ThousandStanding Companion Devo at the link under the 3-min FB video below:

Companion Devotional (click book cover pic):