Finding Peace When Life Throws a Punch and Your Emotions Take a Hit


P E A C E does NOT mean your emotions won’t take a hit when life throws a punch. It just means you don’t have to come out of character when you’re hurt, angry, etc., and that if you do, you rest knowing you have an Advocate with the Father {1 John 2:1}. Getting to know the Word (Jesus) is so integral to this kind of peace. Getting to know your Word (the bible) is so integral to getting to know Jesus. The Word anchors us. I have quite a hold on a peace beyond my understanding, or perhaps that peace has quite a hold on me.

After the gut punch life threw me a couple weeks ago, I realized I’m deeply entrenched in a season of my life where I know my enemy has already done the worst he could do, and he failed. I know he failed because I’m still here, and you’re still standing, and hallelujah, the grave is still empty! Crucifixion Friday was literally the worst our enemy could do, and he failed! We serve a Risen Savior!

Our Risen Savior is now our great High Priest, the one who is able to feel with us. He knows when life hits you, your emotions will sway up and down some. It’s okay for your emotions to be flexible to your life experiences, to be disappointed, sad, lonely, or angry. But the peace of God, which surpasses our understanding {Philippians 4:7}, meets you at the place where you decide your faith will NOT follow your feelings, so that if your feelings are wavering, your faith is still secure because it’s anchored in God’s faithfulness, not your feelings. The only way to anchor your faith, is to plant it firmly in the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God {Romans 10:17}.

2-Minute Video on this:

Gideon Bible Study (Final)

W H E N you believe God and choose to be faithful despite your fears, your words begin to align with HIS Word! God’s declared: you win! Your enemy believes you win. Now it’s time to act like it. Fear isn’t sinful; it’s an invitation to cower or live with courage. Faithfulness is a decision. You CAN be faithful, even in the midst of your biggest fears!


Gideon Bible Study (Week 3)

Gideon was faithful in the small things before he fought the battle of a lifetime. If you’re faithful in the small things, God can cause even the things you fear to serve you and bless you for His purposes. Even Gideon’s enemies began to prophesy of his victory. NEWSFLASH: your enemy believes what God says about you. Do you believe it? He calls you: overcomer, victorious, more than conquerors. Week 3 of the #fearfulBUTfaithful virtual bible study continues below.
***This video and blog can be shared with anyone, but below is the audio playback number and info for the final live call next Sunday at 7pm CST.
Dial in #: 319-527-9115
Access Code: 788309
Playback dial in: 319-527-9296

V I D E O:

Gideon Bible Study Video (Week 2)

A  L I F E of fear was interrupted by God’s promise of peace. Gideon snuck under the cover of night because he was afraid to fulfill his purpose, but as fearful as he was, he was faithful and got a new name because of it! God wants to do more than disrupt some things; He wants to DESTROY those things that are threatening to destroy you! Week 2 of the #fearfulbutfaithful virtual bible study continues below.
BELOW is the audio playback info and info for the live call next Sunday at 7pm CST.
Dial in #: 319-527-9115
Access Code: 788309
Playback dial in: 319-527-9296



Gideon Bible Study (Video)

F E A R isn’t the enemy! You CAN be faithful, even in the midst of your biggest fears! The problem is when we’ve better rehearsed our fears than God’s faithfulness! Gideon had insecurities, and we will, too, but don’t let your insecurities become your identity! Your identity is in Christ and who He calls you, not what you think of yourself. Hint: He calls you HERO, even when you’re hiding. This is Week 1 of the 4 part #fearfulbutfaithful virtual bible study. This link can be shared with others, but below is the audio playback info and info for the LIVE call/study next Sunday at 7pm Central.
Dial in #: 319-527-9115
Access Code: 788309
Playback dial in: 319-527-9296




Fight Again, Win Again

“Some time later King David attacked the Philistines again, defeated them, and ended their control over the land.” 2 Samuel 8:1 (GNT) AGAIN. The enemy will try to make you think that because you’re still fighting, you didn’t win the first time. You already won. We already win. Some battles you’ll have to fight again in 2017, but don’t be discouraged by the warfare, be encouraged that you win. Be ready to fight in 2017. Be ready to win.

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God Fortifies Your Faith Instead of Stopping the Sifting

wheat-harvest“I have prayed for you, that your faith will not fail…” -Jesus (to Peter, and to you)

Jesus tells Simon Peter that the enemy of his soul desires to have him, desires to sift Peter as wheat (a grueling, grating process), but that He’s prayed, not for the sifting to stop, but that Peters faith will not fail.

Declare this (ALOUD): My faith will not fail: JESUS is praying for me.

Always remember that whatever attack your enemy sends your way had to first seek permission from divine providence. In the midst of whatever sifting that’s come your way, God is still in control. Just as God allowed Peter to be sifted, He allowed the Israelites to be “sifted” by the Midianites (Judges 6). But, even in the midst of absolutely terrorizing circumstances, the God of the universe still had Gideon’s fate and faith in His hands. The beautiful truth is that no matter WHO does the sifting, the end result is that the wheat berry, your fruitfulness, is preserved, and everything else is driven away. Even Satan’s sifting serves God’s purposes.

Stay tuned for the next message in this Fearful But Faithful series, and do share with others and share your thoughts on the posts as we study together.

Gideon Was Fearful, But He Was Faithful!


Declare This (ALOUD): Fear will NOT overtake me; it will NOT keep me from doing great things.

Gideon’s story is marked by monumental fear — hiding from the Midianites while gathering food, sneaking under the cover of night to destroy the idol in God’s temple. But fearful or not, Gideon was a man of ACTION, to the point that the author of Hebrews (in 11:32) had to marvel that there isn’t enough time to even talk about how much Gideon accomplished by faith. I wonder if Gideon could’ve lived with slightly less fear, though, if he only knew Hebrews ch. 11, vs. 32 was coming. How would you live differently if you knew that EVEN in the midst of your fears, you can put our faith into action in such a way that the “Hebrews 11” chapter of your life will boast of the great exploits God did through you?

Declare This (ALOUD): I WILL be all I’m called to be and do ALL I am purposed to do, even if I have to do it afraid! I can be faithful, even if fearful.

Register for Conference Here:

Your Tears Are Not Lost on God

Y O U R  TEARS didn’t get lost in your pillowcase. The God of all comfort still salvages every sorrow. With each successive year I celebrate the mending of my heart, my capacity for openly receiving, deeply experiencing, and passionately expressing God’s love has multiplied. After decades of overwhelming grief and anger that threatened to eclipse all joy, God’s peace relentlessly pursued me and has repeatedly brought me to my knees in adoration of Him. May this same peace & love chase and catch your overburdened soul.

As you release your fears and tears to God, I want to share that I’ve been leading the leaders of the 10 Thousand Standing Conference in a bible study where we’re challenging our fears, overcoming failures, and fueling our faith in God. I’ll be sharing the bible study portions here, as well.

JOIN the FEARFUL but FAITHFUL bible study and SHARE today! I’m so excited to grow along with each of you!

Why the Wait?

Why do rape victims let time (and evidence) slip away?

Why do rape victims let time (and evidence) slip away?

A great friend asked what a great many others have asked about the rape allegations against Bill Cosby: Why would a rape victim wait to disclose his/her assault? Further, why would one wait weeks, months, years, even decades, which generally means all evidence has been destroyed. It saddens me that society seems to have fallen so far from empathy that we’re okay with blaming alleged victims for not telling us sooner that they were victimized. It’s hard to tell, though, if that’s resultant from a lack of empathy or an assertion of privilege. Regardless, I’ll share just a few of the reasons I listed for why victims/survivors of rape may delay in coming forward about what is likely some of their most pain-filled and shame-filled life experiences. The highlighted list isn’t exhaustive. In fact, you can find a link below to the Facebook thread for this conversation.

  1. Rape is often THE most shame-filled moments of a person’s life. Rape carries with it the stigma of the victim being damaged goods. In 2014, there are still women being killed (usually termed “honor killings”) because they were raped. I’m aware some are only beaten 😩. There’s a reason only 40% of rapes are reported to the police, and only 3% of rapists ever spend a single day in jail. Do we really believe society is supportive of rape victims/survivors?
  2. Allow me to briefly address the neuropsychology of trauma – bear with me. Many mention the ideal situation, which is that rape victims immediately report the crime to law enforcement and have a medical exam (rape kit) performed. These are logical steps one can and hopefully would take; however, brain scans of individuals recalling trauma have shown the portions of the brain most involved with logic and decision-making tend to be completely bypassed. The left frontal cortex, which I promise you want involved in any wise decisions, appears inactive, and during trauma, we (humans) tend to make decisions for immediate self-preservation (i.e., not long-term). I could bore you with more, but that’s the gist of it.
  3. Rape serves the purpose of disempowering the rape victim. It’s long been established that rape is a crime about power, not sex. Any crime that specifically disempowers the victim makes it less likely that the victim will feel empowered to report said crime. So, rape is a little (a lot) different than say, having your car broken into. I’d hope we can agree that rape is a much more intimate crime than theft, as well, which again makes it less likely that the victim would publicly share the intimate nature of their violation.
  4. When someone’s car is broken into, society’s general response is, “Oh no!” When a woman is raped, society’s general response is, “Oh boy!” (as in “Here we go…”). This response is intensified if the alleged rapist is a popular or highly regarded member of society; thus, the response to the alleged victim is much less supportive and much more blaming. Unfortunately, fear of not being believed is one of the top reasons rape victims don’t disclose. Even within that fear, there are complex variables that make it even less likely that a rape victim would come forward. For example, sexual arousal during the assault, which carries even more stigma, is the reason many victims fear they’d not be believed and the reason many in society don’t believe men can be raped by women (despite men being raped more than women in the U.S., but that’s for another discussion).
  5. I want to also address how surprised people often are when there’s an “avalanche” of victims/survivors coming forward and/or going public after someone else tells his/her story of being raped and/or it becomes a more mainstream story. From a psychological and common sense standpoint, there is strength in numbers. As we see others share their truths, we’re strengthened in our conviction and courage to share, even if it comes with the public ridicule and scorn these women (accusing Bill Cosby) are now facing.

Finally, I want to leave you with the questions I originally asked: Why do we cast a negative light on alleged rape victims possibly having “an agenda” for why they came forward? So what if they DO? Have you considered how many thousands of dollars sexual assault costs victims in medical and mental health bills alone? Never mind decreased productivity due to depression, anxiety, and other trauma-related symptoms. Of similar impact is the relational distress and dysfunction resulting from sexual assault. I’d say an agenda is quite fitting, whether seeking financial compensation, public/private apology or admittance, or legal recourse. CLICK HERE for the Facebook link that included other great responses and reasons some would wait.

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