Leaving God Margins in a Double-Spaced Life

Submit all work with 1” margins, double-spaced. As a professor, I hold fast to these two formatting rules so I have enough room to make corrections and provide substantive feedback. It made me wonder if we leave God enough room between the lines of our stories, if we leave enough space in the margins for God to bring our dreams in line with His divine plans. Are you slowing down enough to live the double-spaced life? He knows your story better than you. Are you leaving God margins so He can write it on your heart?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. {Jer. 29:11, NIV}

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. {Psa. 139:16, NLT}



The Glory of It All

Okay, so first, first, FIRST, watch this video clip! It’ll only take 2 1/2 minutes of your life (unless you watch it a few times, like I did, with a big grin each time). But watch it first before reading on, or you won’t get the next two paragraphs.

I watched this video and couldn’t help but draw the parallel of how God is always working on us, and here we are on the sidelines, brows furrowed, not even seeing the beauty He’s creating. I mean, even Anderson Cooper was flabbergasted. He didn’t even realize that the painting being created in front of him was a spitting image of himself.

I’d dare say that too often, we also miss the beauty of God. We’re so pigeonholed into viewing Him in just one way, that we totally miss the glory of it all. But, then there’s the reveal. I thank God for those revealing moments. I thank Him for those moments of recognizing even a glimpse of His glory. He Hideth My Soul is one of my favorite hymns because the image of God hiding me, gently covering me, and still revealing a glimpse of Himself to me has been so real in my life (Exodus 33:18-23). Moses asked God to show him His glory after growing in intimacy with God and desiring more of Him. I asked God to reveal Himself for other reasons. I was fed up with a God who seemed so good on paper, yet also seemed so absent in my pain. Yet, God’s grace surely abounded much more than my sin; He obliged, and showed me a glimpse of His working in my life…a glimpse of His holding me, protecting me, restoring me. As the song in this last video indicates, I’ll never be the same. The song is, “The Glory of it All” by David Crowder Band. Again, this 2-minute video below before the concluding sentences underneath.

I”ve watched this video a few times, just enjoying the song, art, and worshiping God. But after the first reveal, you can easily discern what’s being painted when watching it again. Just so, I can more easily discern God’s hand in my life, and others’ lives, even. It’s beautiful to watch, and I’m committed not to miss the glory of it all as God proceeds with His process.

Glimpses of glory from the cleft of a rock